about us


Whisperlodge is a sensory journey through live ASMR


Enjoy special individual and group treatments designed to relax the body and mind, expand awareness, and heighten the senses.

Whisperlodge is an intimately-sized immersive theatre performance, maintaining a one-to-one ratio between guides and guests. We have performed in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Singapore, and we're setting our sights abroad to reach ASMR fans and immersive enthusiasts around the world.

Whether you're looking for programming for your festival or client, interested in featuring us in your publication, or simply wishing to host Whisperlodge in your city, please contact us at whisperlodgenyc@gmail.com.


what is ASMR?


Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a sensory phenomenon where viewers feel pleasurable tingles from specific visual, auditory and haptic triggers.

First observed and discussed on the internet in 2007, the phenomenon is only beginning to be studied academically. You can find out more at https://asmruniversity.com/ where Dr. Craig Richard PhD is documenting and researching the sensory phenomenon.

Whisperlodge is the very first in-person immersive ASMR experience. We want to bring ASMR into the real world, up close and personal. Guests have described their tingles as “more intense than from YouTube videos”.



Amazing things come out of collaboration. If you see an opportunity for your product to augment our performance, need programming for your festival or client, or have the space to host us in your city, please reach out.


3dio binaural microphones

Part of our show involves immersing the audience in a narrative symphony of everyday sounds. For this, we use a 3Dio Free Space XLR Binaural Microphone to capture audio with remarkable spatial dimension.


the founders


Melinda Lauw

co-creator: creative director

Artist, immersive creator, creative producer, and ASMR specialist.


Andrew Hoepfner

co-creator: advisor

Creator of the immersive theater performance Houseworld and Bottom Of The Ocean.


the core team


Chia Kwa

design director, production manager (NY)

Graphic designer, photographer, producer, actor, jack of all trades.


Pamela Martinez

director (TX)

Musician, composer, educator, Teletextile Sound Healing and Ritual Arts creator.


Karlie Blair

production manager (LA)

Immersive performer, creator, and producer.


Leah Ableson

director (NY)

Immersive performer, actor, writer.


Amanda Wallace

Director (NY, Virtual)

Immersive performer, creator, artist, and creative director.

Janel Leonard

Accessibility Consultant

Performer, curator, and artist.


cast & contributors

Amanda Wallace
oct 2017 → NYC
apr, aug 2018 → NYC
feb 2020 → NYC
Andrew Hoepfner
july, sep, nov 2016 → nyc
mar, may, aug 2017 → nyc
sep 2017 → sf
sep, oct 2017 → la
jan 2018 → nyc
Angela Carlucci
july 2016 → NYC
Angeline Brom
sep 2017 → SF
Alexandra Moerdomo
sep 2016 → NYC
Alice Epanchintseva
nov 2016 → NYC
may, aug, oct 2017 → NYC
aug 2018 → NYC
Ashton Muñiz
nov 2016 → NYC
apr 2018 → NYC
Audrey Ann
sep 2017 → SF
Barbara Muesing
aug 2018 → NYC
feb 2020 → NYC
Benny Or
sep, nov 2016 → NYC
aug, oct 2017 → NYC
Caitlin Holcombe
nov 2016 → NYC
Charlene Fernandez
sep 2017 → SF
Chia Lynn Kwa
sep, nov 2016 → nyc
may, oct 2017 → nyc
sep 2017 → sf
jan, apr, aug 2018 → nyc
feb 2020 → nyc
Derrick Tay
oct 2022 → SG
Dakota Loesch
mar 2019 → LA
Elizabeth McGuire
may 2017 → NYC
aug 2018 → NYC
Gina Ricker
sep 2016 → nyc
Hannah Nichols
mar 2017 → NYC
Herman Shah
oct 2022 → SG
Janel Leonard
oct 2017 → LA
mar 2019 → LA
feb 2020 → NYC
Jenapher Zheng
oct 2017 → LA
mar 2019 → LA
Johnny Houx
oct 2017 → NYC
Jos Porath
feb 2020 → NYC
Joro Boro
may, oct 2017 → nyc
Karlie Blair
oct 2017 → LA
mar 2019 → LA
Keight Leighn
oct 2017 → LA
mar 2019 → LA
Kendra Ware
oct 2017 → LA
Kimberly Flynn
sep 2017 → SF
Kimburly Lim Yi Zhen
nov 2016 → NYC
Leah Ableson
jan, apr, aug 2018 → nyc
feb 2020 → nyc
Lucy Wild
nov 2016 → NYC
apr 2018 → NYC
Madison Missine
sep 2017 → SF
Magali Charron
sep 2016 → NYC
Marissa Wilhelm
apr, aug 2018 → NYC
feb 2020 → nyc
Mary Hould
feb 2020 → NYC
Megan Combes
mar 2019 → LA
Melinda Lauw
july, sep, nov 2016 → NYC
mar, may, oct 2017 → NYC
sep 2017 → SF
sep, oct 2017 → LA
jan, aug 2018 → NYC
mar 2019 → LA
feb 2020 → NYC
oct 2022 → SG
Mikie Beatty
mar 2019 → LA
Myra Loke
oct 2022 → SG
Nicholas Sherwin
sep 2017 → SF
Pamela Martinez
nov 2016 → NYC
mar, may, aug, oct 2017 → NYC
jan, apr 2018 → NYC
Shannen Tan
oct 2022 → SG
Sonia Kwek
oct 2022 → SG
Susie Chang
sep 2017 → SF
Tan Weiying
oct 2022 → SG
Terence Leclere
mar 2019 → LA
Annie Lesser
Aviv Cohn
sound mixing
Chia Lynn Kwa
visual design
Emily Kendall
Dylan Quek
Melissa Langer
Sherry Katapodes
Tomson Tee